How To Plan The Perfect Summer Wedding

Planning the perfect summer wedding can be overwhelming and stressing, especially because “perfect” just, adds more stress than it should. Just picture how beautiful your summer wedding would look, with summer blue skies and blooming flowers, imagine your flawless beauty and your happy guests; it’s THE perfect scene out of a Hollywood movie. But we all know that along with summer comes the heat, and we forget about all the small details that can make a wedding imperfect. Not to worry, we have put together some small tips that will help you achieve the perfect summer wedding!

Keeping Guest Cool



In a perfect scenario your guest would be having there time of there lives, celebrating with you, but we all know how uncomfortable the heat can make a person. You begin sweating and you feel like you’re inside a burning building force to stay until the walls collapse.

 Indoor Venue– So, to avoid such thoughts from your guest try to book an indoor venue where you have the comfort of A/C.

 Outdoor Venue– If in case you have already booked and outdoor venue, not to worry. They’re plenty of companies that will rent you cooling canopies that will provide your guest with proper shade. And if in case you haven’t booked and outside venue and want to, try to get a venue that provides shade with either canopies, or natural trees to keep your guest feeling cool and comfortable.

Water, Water, Water! – Keep your guest cool by keeping the hydrated. Provide ice water, and just cool drinks to keep everyone’s thirst under control.

Protecting The Bride’s Look



Heat can seriously ruin everything good in your life, including your perfect wedding day look. Be well prepared to avoid a sweaty face and just a sweaty everything.

 Choose a wedding dress that can let you breath– something that won’t suffocate you and a material that wont make you itch. Sweat and itchiness equals bad combination.

 Hair– Try to pick a hairstyle such as an updo or soft curls with your hair half up. These types of hairstyles will maintain your neck sweat less, and out of your face making it easier for your face to maintain cool.

 Pack blotting papers and powder. Guard against shine on your nose and forehead by including plenty of blotting papers and powder in your purse or emergency kit, and ask a bridesmaid to let you know when you need to treat your skin shine so that you don’t look oil-dipped in your important photos.

Keeping The Flowers Fresh



On a hot day, beware of your summer wedding flowers wilting quickly. Sometimes, they’re droopy when they reach you, having suffered during shipment from the floral store to your location.

Choose your summer wedding flowers well for their water source ability. For instance, Hydrangea is a lovely summer flower, but it wilts in minutes without a good water source, so floral designers advise you to keep the hydrangea out of your bouquet and off of your groom’s lapel, instead placing sprigs in little, water-filled vases on each table.

Store your tossing summer wedding bouquet in the site’s refrigerator or in a cooler you bring with you, so that it’s not sitting in the heat, losing its moisture and color.

Protect Your Food



The heat can ruin perfectly cooked food, and turn it into mushy, melted, rotten, unwanted scraps. Make sure to keep food fresh, with ice containers and keep un-served food out of the sun. It will avoid guest getting food poisoning and unnecessary drama.

The cake– Keep the cake in a refrigerated area for the majority of the reception. Take it out once the day has cooled and if needed for pictures.

BugsThe heat attracts bugs that come looking for fresh food. Make sure all unwanted food is thrown out and the trash is disposed of. Keep all food covered with plastic wrap or in containers. You will avoid unwanted little guests crashing your wedding.

Add frozen drinks to your bar menu for your guests’ comfort and enjoyment.

Wedding Pictures



Protect your self from bad sweaty pictures with a small kit of towels to wipe sweat off and a small make-up kit to re-apply.

Remember to use waterproof make up, and put just enough make up. Because powder and eye shadow are not waterproof, putting a lot can make your face look layered and when you begin to sweat so will your powder. Keep it a small portion, enough to hide imperfections, so when reapplying it wont look cake-e.

Pick a spot in the reception to take pictures with your guest. Choose a place with shade or prepare a spot with canopies so when standing there with guest after guest you wont have to stand in the hot blazing sun.

Keep A Smile


“Perfection itself is Imperfection” – Vladimir Horowitz

No matter the circumstances or the outcome, keeping a smile on your face will be the epitome of your perfect wedding. It is what will make all the imperfections perfect because it is your smile that everyone on the guest list will be celebrating. After all nothing is ever perfect, but the beauty of a perfect wedding is the celebration of love that you and your loved ones will be able to feel.

-By Bianca Calanche








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