What You Need to Know For a Destination Wedding

Breaking away from the traditions of a small local wedding accompanied by a private honeymoon afterwards for the lucky bride and groom, many soon-to-be-married couples are opting for destination weddings, which combine a memorable wedding with a fun honeymoon at the same location. Whether it is Hawaii, Europe, Mexico, or the Caribbean, a change of scenery may be just what you’re in search of. With all the adventure awaiting your new life, it’s no surprise that a destination wedding sounds like a fun opportunity to take that step out in starting your new life together. Before you dive into it, however, there are a few things you should keep in mind while planning your wedding.


Why A Destination Wedding?

One of the major appeals to holding a destination wedding is the potential “stress-free” factor. Unlike a local wedding, destination weddings at resorts and cruise lines simply require you to sign the papers while a highly knowledgeable staff takes care of you with inclusive packages. Sound enticing? Another reason why destination weddings are popular is because of the change of scenery. Many couples want a wedding to remember, and a destination wedding provides a memorable time with a luscious view. Another reason? Usually they’re more cost effective for the couple, depending on location and, if you have guests from all over the world who have to travel anyways, why not make it a nice spot?


Longer Preparation Time

Don’t procrastinate and start planning early to make sure that your dreams will actually become a reality. Because these weddings take a bit more preparation on the guests’ part as well as your own, it’s only common courtesy to let them know 6-9 months in advance. A friendly “Save the Date” reminder should do the trick in ensuring that your guests have enough time to prepare to celebrate with you, meaning they will get the best travel rates and can have peace-of-mind before the trip. Another factor of a destination wedding is that your wedding will usually be smaller (it can range from 2-200 attendees). You’ll have to decide who makes the cut. What about for guests who couldn’t make it? It’s also common courtesy to compromise by hosting a post-wedding celebration back at home, especially if your guest list was shortened due to cost.


Cost Etiquette For A Destination Wedding

Since these destination weddings are located in other areas, cost may rise significantly for guests. If you factor hotel, airfare, meals, venue, and much more, the figure can rise drastically, especially for guests and the wedding party. It is important to keep a budget in mind while planning your wedding. Don’t beat around the bush or try to hide the fact that the trip may add up—tell your guests right off the bat what you expect the costs to be and what you are planning to cover. Traditionally, you are not expected to pay for the guests’ accommodations, transportation, and meals other than the wedding itself and your reception of choice afterward. In addition, allow for your budget to spend on a light supper or cocktail party as a welcome as well as a breakfast or brunch the day after the wedding. Make it easy on the guests and provide information—after all, you want them to attend!

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Photo By Jpmfoto.com

Destination weddings can be the perfect option for you if you’re looking for a romantic getaway, whether it is beside the calming ocean azure or the mysterious, rustic woods. If you keep a few things in mind such as budget and preparation, planning the wedding of your dreams at the destination of your choice will be a breeze!

– By Bonnie Wong

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