Wedding Reception Mess-ups


I have been to several weddings and I agree that the bride and groom should have the wedding just the way they want it. Yet, you also have to keep in mind that you are the host of your event and you would want your guests to feel invited and comfortable in the celebration of your pledge together. Learn from the following so that your reception runs as smooth as possible.

Dishing out Money to Attend
While your wedding needn’t be a drink fest, let’s face it: Nobody likes a cash bar. It’s essentially saying, “Pay to celebrate our love”! If your budget is tight, consider pouring lower-priced wines and beer, with top-shelf options available for purchase. Another way to save when it comes to alcohol is with a signature cocktail instead of a full bar — fun, festive, and friendlier on the bottom line.

Big Journey, Small Bites
Destination weddings are lovely but can be pricey for guests. If people are traveling long distances or overseas for your wedding, they’ve earned themselves a sit-down meal. As destination weddings tend to be more intimate, consider a seated dinner or buffet instead of a variety of botanas — your jet-lagged guests will thank you.

All Fried Food
While antojitos Latinos are delicious, flavorful, and hard-to-resist (Sopes! Fried Empanadas! Refried Beans!), try to avoid a menu that’s excessively fatty. Include a few healthful appetizers into the rotation to give your diet-conscious guests a break — and potentially more energy on the dance floor.

No Veggie Option
According to an April 2008 poll, 3.2 percent of Americans claim to be vegetarians, and 10 percent claim to follow a “vegetarian-inclined” diet. So, for the sake of 3-10 percent of your guests, try to incorporate a meat-free entree option or a few hearty veggie-friendly sides and appetizers.

Wedding Reception Purgatory
Standing in a hotel courtyard or milling in front of a church, overdressed, underfed, sneaking a glance at your watch while making pained small talk. While logistics of event planning vary, the bride and groom should take care to ensure that guests are not left waiting for an hour or more with nothing to do, eat, or drink.

Don’t Cut Corners on Food
I once attended a very elegant wedding, the bride wore a designer dress, the groom looked straight out of GQ, and the venue was to die for. Yet, I could not believe that in the duration of this five-hour affair, I was only able to nimble on mini-squash empanadas, chicken skewers, and tomato basil florets. My thought, en route to the nearest drive-through on the way home: Being frugal is fine, but don’t skimp on the food.

The Wedding Cake Face Smash
A curious tradition indeed. The bride and groom cut the cake under the joyous gaze of friends, family, and possibly religious figures, and then, to cement the union, the groom smashes a handful of pricey pastel on the (impeccably made-up) bride. Who started this? Who actually enjoys this uneasy ritual? My humble opinion: Save the frosting frolicking for the honeymoon.

To avoid these and other wedding mess-ups, check out the latest Latino Bride & Groom magazine for the FAQ answered.

Do you have any wedding pet peeves, horror stories, or, on the bright side, standout wedding experiences? Share with us in the comments section below!